1.He took me into his world. To understand, to see this business from a different point of view.
2.He must never admit that he might be wrong or that people with a different point of view might be even partially right.
3.it enables me to see the guy form a different point of view and it tells me whether I'm onto a good thing or not.
4.Then try to analysed the reasons of these problems from different point of views of society, high-school and post-graduates themselves.
5.I hope you see things that startle you. I hope you feel things you never felt before. I hope you meet people with a different point of view.
6.Then let us talk about how a professor with the kind of a different point of view, but also achieved excellent results in this view.
7.On that bright Saturday morning, I was learning a completely different point of view from what I had been taught by my poor dad.
8.Comparison chart, I think I measurement of the position is quite accurate, may take the different point of view.
9.Lone has a different point of view: "He wants the talks only if they are with him, not with anyone else. "
10.Refer the speech of many 100 paper of congress and representing, made to this from different point of view discuss.